
Scrie o compunere de macar 150 de cuvinte care se termina in fraza:
"I closed the door behind me and that is how it all ended"

Răspuns :


     One day I believed in the strength and the courage to go to a deserted house where it was said that the most frightening ghosts live.

     Obviously I wanted to see these alleged ghosts so I went to the haunted house. I went into it and it was a spider's canvas and dust, meaning you could see it in a deserted house. .I was a ghost. I could see it.

    Actually I remained the stone shepherd, but this one only scratched there to be in the job. But after hearing a scream made by a ghost,

    Within minutes the house was full of ghosts and monsters. I closed the door behind me and that's how it all ended.


SPER SA FIE BN O SI APROPO UITE TRADUCEREA:Intr-o zi mam crezut in putere si in curaj sa merg la o casa parasite in care se zicea ca locuiesc cele mai infricosatoare fantome.

    Evident voiam sa vad aceste presupuse fantome asa ca am plecat la casa bantuita.Am intrat in ea si era panza de paianjen si praf adica ce puteai sa vezi la o casa parasita.Am auzit un scartait ciudat care nu parea ca era facut de un om.Era o fantoma.O puteam vedea.

   Efectiv am ramas stana de piatra dar aceasta doar scartia pe acolo sa se afle in treaba.Dar dupa s-a auzit un tipat facut tot de o fantoma,

   In cateva minute casa era plina de fantome si monstri.Am închis ușa în spatele meu și așa s-a încheiat totul.