Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous or the past simple.

5.Hayden visited Laos in July
6.The boys are playing in the garden while their mum is cooking in the kitchen.
7.He leaved for Thailand last Tuesday
8.At 7 pm last bight, I was watching TV
Hi there!
Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous or the past simple.
Pune verbele din paranteza la Past Continuous sau Past Simple.
5. Hayden visited Laos in July.
6. The boys were playing in the garden while their mum was cooking in the kitchen.
7. He left Thailand last Tuesday.
8. At 7 pm last night, I was watching TV.
Past Simple este un timp verbal care exprima actiuni incepute si incheiate in trecut, al caror moment este precizat.
Mod de formare:
Afirmativ: Subiect+Verb/-ed sau forma a II-a
Interogativ: Did+Subiect+Verb?
Negativ: Subiect +didn`t+ Verb
Past Continuous exprima actiuni in plina desfasurare in trecut. In limba romana traducem cu imperfect (eu vorbeam, tu alergai,etc)
Mod de formare:
Afirmativ: Subiect+ was/were + Verb-ing
Interogativ: Was/Were + Subiect+ verb-ing?
Negativ: Subiect+ wasn`t/weren`t + Verb-ing
❀Atunci cand avem o actiune durativa intrerupta de una non-durativa, trebuie folosite ambele timpuri.
EX. She was sleeping when it started to rain.
Ea dormea cand a inceput sa ploua.
❀ Atunci cand ambele actiuni sunt durative, folosim Past continuous
I was watching TV while my brother was playing.
Eu ma uitam la televizor in timp ce fratele meu se juca.