Va rog frumos urgent ex 3

Hi there!
Complete the first conditional sentences with the corect form of the verb.
Completeaza conditionala de tip 1 cu forma corecta a verbului.
0. If Kate gives me some help, I`ll finish my homework in an hour.
1. You won`t meet anyone if you don`t go out.
2. I`ll come to your party if my mum says I can.
3. If Ken doesn`t want his ice cream, I`ll eat it.
4. Susan will be angry if she hears about it.
5. If we buy hamburgers, we won`t have enough money for the film.
Conditionala de tip 1 arata o situatie reala.
IF+ Present Simple, …Future Simple
Ex. If it rains, we`ll stay at home. (Daca ploua,vom sta acasa)
We`ll stay at home if it rains.
Nu are importanta ordinea , timpurile raman aceleasi.