Mulțumesc dau coronita

1. E corect asa
2. Their kids are as naughty as mine.
3. The inn is further than you think.
4. It is the best beer i've ever drunk.
5. The Black Sea is more polluted than the Mediterranean Sea.
6. I had the worst marks in my class.
7. Her brother is thinner than ours.
8. E corect dar se poate spune si " the friendliest"
9.What's the funniest joke you know?
10. Tania is less generous than her mother.
Sper ca ti-am fost de folos!
1In loc de "from" - "in"
2inloc de "naughtier"- naughty
3in loc de "farer" - "farther"
4in loc de "goodest" - best
6in loc de "baddest" - "worst"
7in loc de "thiner-thinner
8 e corect
9 funniest nu funnyest