30puncte+ coroană+ mă abonez ! Trebuie să fac același text în engleză doar că trebuie să fie cu orașul Târgoviște! Este urgent!

Targoviste is a small town with a population of about 89.00. It's in a place in Romania.
It has an interesting history, Targoviste is famous as the home of Grigore Alexandrescu, a famous Romanian poet from the 19th century and has some very nice poems
There are a lot of historical buildings in Targoviste and museums, too. In May, there's a football game and a very big concert, so we can go free to them. We can also visit water parks. It's beautiful. There are lots of shops, parks and gyms.
(la ultima am zis lucruri la nimereala pentru ca eu nu traiesc in targoviste. poti sa pui ce am zis eu sau orice altceva)