
Grammar . 4e
Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in the
list. Write in your notebook.
white • wear · go
1. Samuel ... the party at 11 pm.
2. The writer ... his latest book last year.
3. The actor ... a beautiful dress.
4. Jillian and I... the new Ed Sheeran song.
5. We ... to a football match last week.
In your notebook, rewrite the sentences in Ex. 4 in the negative
Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Write in your
1. She ... (be) at the bus stop when it ... (start) raining.
2. I... (meet) my favourite actor when I... (be) in Los Angeles.
3. When he ... (leave), we ... (go) to the cinema.
4. She ... (learn how to speak French when she ... (be) in France.
Look at the
picture. Collect
information about
Heracles' story.
Tell his story to
the class.
end and​

Răspuns :

Hi there!

Cerinta:# Completeaza propozitiile cu trecutul simplu al verbelor din lista. Scrie in caiet.

1. Samuel left the party at 11 pm.

2. The writer wrote his latest book last year.

3. The actor wore  a beautiful dress.

4. Jillian and I liked the new Ed Sheeran song.

5. We went to a football match last week.

#Rescrie propozitiile la forma negativa

1. Samuel didn`t leave the party at 11 pm.

2. The writer didn`t write his latest book last year.

3. The actor didn`t wear a beautiful dress.

4. Jillian and I didn`t like the new Ed Sheeran song.

5. We didn`t go to a football match last week.

#Pune verbele din paranteza la trecut simplu. Scrie in caiet.

1. She was at the bus stop when it started raining.

2. I met  my favourite actor when I was in Los Angeles.

3. When he left , we went to the cinema.

4. She learnt how to speak French when she was in France.


Past Simple este un timp verbal care exprima actiuni incepute si incheiate in trecut, al caror moment este precizat. In limba romana , traducem cu perfect compus. (eu am vorbit, tu ai alergat,etc)

Mod de formare:

Afirmativ: Subiect+Verb/-ed sau forma a II-a

Interogativ: Did+Subiect+Verb

Negativ: Subiect +didn`t+ Verb

La forma afirmativa, daca verbul este regulat ii adaugi”-ed”, daca este neregulat ii scrii forma a doua. La interogativ si negative, verbele se intorc la prima forma.

# Adverbele specifice lui Past simple, dupa care il poti recunoaste foarte usor: yesterday, last week (month,year,summer,etc), ...ago (two days ago-acum doua zile)


# daca verbul se termina in "e", nu mai adaugi "-ed", ci doar "d"

ex. I dance-I danced

you arrive-you arrived

# daca verbul se termina in "-y" si are in fata o consoana, cand adaugi "-ed", "y" se tranforma in "i"

ex. I cry- I cried

I try- I tried


I play- I played (in fata lui "y' este vocala)

# cand adaugi "-ed" la urmatoarele verbe trebuie sa dublezi consoana finala: plan,pat,stop,travel,drop,admit,shop,rob,wed

ex. you stopped// he dropped// she admitted, etc