The kitchen cupboards were all empty.
(Dulapurile din bucatarie erau toate goale.)
Nu exista cuvantul "doar" in limba engleza, deci presupun ca ai vrut sa scrii "door".
He was having difficulty getting the door open.
(El se chinuia sa deschida usa.)
I looked out of the window and saw my mother getting out of her car.
(M-am uitat pe fereastra si am vazut-o pe mama mea iesind din masina.)
The sink in the bathroom hasn't been cleaned in a while.
(Chiuveta din baie nu a fost curatata de o vreme indelungata.)
The fridge is not working so the meat will spoil.
(Frigiderul nu functioneaza, deci se va strica carnea.)
The radio needs new batteries.
(Radioul are nevoie de baterii noi.)
You must be very careful never to leave the gas open when you are using the cooker !
(Trebuie sa fii foarte atent sa nu lasi niciodata gazul pornit cand folosesti aragazul !)